Outdoor dining spaces to disappear: Chula Vista

Publicado: 31-05-2024 11:48:50 PDT
Actualizado: 31-05-2024 11:50:57 PDT
The permits are about to expire after being granted in 2020
To support summer activities, the city has set a final deadline of September 2, at which point all outdoor dining spaces will be dismantled.
The rules for outdoor dining patios are about to change in Chula Vista, and some businesses on Third Avenue are not happy about the news. The City Manager sent letters to businesses in the area informing them that they have until July 30, 2024, to dismantle their outdoor dining parklets.
Dr. Gonzalo Quintero, co-owner of Vogue Tavern and president of the Downtown Chula Vista Association, expressed his disappointment that the city did not consult with businesses before announcing the removal of the outdoor dining permits, which expire on September 2. These permits, in place since July 2020, have been crucial in keeping many businesses afloat during the pandemic. This was reported by CBS8 on their website.
Quintero highlighted that these spaces represent significant investments: "These are $15,000 to $25,000 dollar investments." They have been formally designed and approved. Additionally, he criticized the city for changing the rules without considering the current needs of businesses.
Another business owner, César Corona of Los Cuates Seafood & Bar, also expressed disappointment, especially after investing in improvements for the summer.
A city spokesperson argued that the parklets negatively impact more businesses than they benefit due to the reduction of parking spaces and the need to prioritize equitable access to public land.
Dr. Quintero has started an online petition and hopes to engage in dialogue with elected leaders to seek solutions that allow outdoor dining to continue and to preserve public spaces.

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