(Update) Firefighting Continues in Otay Mesa: San Diego

Cal-Fire San Diego
Publicado: 24-05-2024 13:39:26 PDT
Actualizado: 28-05-2024 11:26:52 PDT
Firefighters state that the fire, which has been burning since May 15, could take several more days to extinguish.
A persistent fire at a battery storage site in Otay Mesa has been burning since May 15. Fire officials are preparing for the possibility that it may take weeks to extinguish.
The fire began last Wednesday at the Gateway Energy Storage facility, and flare-ups over the weekend reinstated evacuation warnings for the surrounding area.
Fire Captain Brent Pascua reported that the fire started to reignite on Friday night. "You have to put water on it to keep the fire confined, but that water damages the batteries, which then can arc and ignite another fire. We are just trying to keep the public safe and keep the fire contained in the building," he explained.
Cal Fire reports significant damage to the building, including the roof. "Here, in the middle of nowhere, and it’s still dangerous. The proposed facility in La Mesa is in a highly urbanized area," said La Mesa Vice Mayor Laura Lothian.
"Precipitate, to say the least, to build these things without careful consideration," Lothian commented.
According to the Murray Project website, the La Mesa project would use iron-phosphate and lithium batteries, which are supposedly safer, emission-free, and non-toxic. In Otay Mesa, authorities continue to monitor air quality and water runoff to ensure it is safe for crews to be nearby. Firefighting teams are focusing on preventing the fire from spreading to any neighboring buildings, which also house batteries.
In an update communicated by the San Diego Fire Department (Cal-Fire San Diego) on May 24, it was announced that due to minimal fire activity and reduced water usage, staffing at the incident site would begin to decrease today. Should conditions change, they have the capacity to order additional equipment or personnel as needed. For now, work continues in the area.
The fire finally started to calm down over the weekend, with Cal Fire reducing the evacuation order to a warning "due to improved atmospheric conditions." A road closure remained in place at Camino de la Fuente and Paseo de la Fuente.
No injuries were reported due to the fire; however, Cal Fire stated that one structure was destroyed in the blaze. At this time, it is unclear which structure sustained the damage and how much of the storage site is salvageable.
#CaminoIC 5-28-24 Final fact sheet unless conditions change. All remaining evac. Warnings have been lifted. pic.twitter.com/mBUIeWWBXx
— CAL FIRE/San Diego County Fire (@CALFIRESANDIEGO) May 28, 2024

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