The Border Patrol reports two shooting incidents during this month.

Publicado: 19-05-2023 17:04:55 PDT
"These two incidents were reported in the first half of the month of May.
In a statement, the Border Patrol of the San Diego sector reported two separate incidents involving gunfire along the immediate international border with Mexico.
According to the report, the most recent incident occurred just a few meters north of the border on Monday, May 15, at approximately 9:05 p.m., about half a mile east of the San Ysidro port of entry. While agents were assisting an injured child who had been thrown over the border barrier by a man, they reported shots fired to the north of their location.
An Air and Marine Operations helicopter from CBP responded to provide aerial coverage, along with members of the Special Response Team from the Office of Field Operations. The Foreign Operations Division requested assistance from Mexican partners, who responded south of the border where the shots are believed to have originated.
The other reported incident took place on Saturday, May 13, at approximately 8:37 p.m. A Border Patrol supervisor notified dispatch that they were receiving gunfire in an area southwest of their location. Air resources responded and observed several individuals in the vicinity of the supervisor, just south of the border.
Chief Patrol Agent Aaron M. Heitke of the San Diego Sector informed that they are working with both U.S. and Mexican authorities to identify the suspects involved in the mentioned incidents."

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