Two women with curious attire surprise at the San Ysidro checkpoint

Fotos y videos: BajaNews
Publicado: 03-07-2023 20:26:09 PDT
Actualizado: 03-07-2023 20:28:09 PDT
The unusual appearance of two women with exotic attire surprises those waiting at the San Ysidro checkpoint
In the border town towards the United States, it is quite common to come across street vendors offering a wide variety of products and services.
From delicious burritos and tamales that awaken the appetite to refreshing ice creams to combat the heat, and even insurance salespeople trying to seize any business opportunity.
Amidst the hustle and bustle of people and activities, today, July 3rd, 2023, a shrewd citizen managed to capture on video two women who appeared a bit disoriented while searching for the correct direction to head towards.
Their striking appearance and air of confusion caught the attention of those present at the pedestrian crossing. Although there is no precise information about the identity or profession of these women, some people speculated whether they could be exotic dancers or companions, further increasing the interest in their presence.
Curiosity spread among passersby who, intrigued by the scene, couldn't help but observe the two women and speculate about their origin and destination.
The uncertainty surrounding their situation created an atmosphere of anticipation and conversation among those patiently waiting to cross the border.

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