Mother sentenced for murdering her children
Publicado: 31-07-2023 18:55:09 PDT
Actualizado: 31-07-2023 18:56:35 PDT
Los cuerpos fueron encontrados en el patio de su esposo
A mother from Idaho was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole for the gruesome murders of her two youngest children and her husband's former wife. Lori Vallow Daybell was convicted of the first-degree murders of her 7-year-old son, Joshua "JJ" Vallow, and her 16-year-old daughter, Tylee Ryan, whose bodies were found in her husband's backyard in Idaho. She was also found guilty of conspiring to murder her husband's former wife, Tammy Daybell.
Vallow Daybell claimed in court that "Jesus understands her" and that no one was murdered in the case, suggesting that the deaths were accidental or caused by medication side effects.
The trial garnered worldwide attention due to the horrifying nature of the crimes and the accusation that Vallow Daybell was motivated by money, power, and her obsession with apocalyptic religious beliefs.
Vallow Daybell's estranged eldest son mourned the loss of his siblings and stated that the deaths had impacted generations. Prosecutors argued that Vallow Daybell manipulated others to commit the murders and steal money.
Additionally, Vallow Daybell is facing additional charges related to murders and attempted murders in Arizona. This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Lori Vallow Daybell, mother who killed kids, sentenced to life
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