Arrested in Texas for threatening judge in Trump case
Foto: Cortesía
Publicado: 17-08-2023 09:04:19 PDT
Actualizado: 17-08-2023 09:06:33 PDT
In the message, Shry warned the judge that if Trump wasn't reelected in 2024, "we would come to kill you"
A Texas resident woman is facing charges after making death threats against federal judge Abigail Jo Shry, who oversees the criminal case related to former President Donald Trump's efforts to overturn the 2020 election results.
On August 5th, Shry left a voicemail message at the judge's office in which she issued threats and insults, claiming she would kill those pursuing President Trump. In addition to threats against the judge, Shry directed racist and homophobic comments in the message, according to reports.
The charges filed include transmitting communications with threats of harm to others through interstate or foreign commerce.
In the message, Shry warned that if Trump wasn't reelected in 2024, "we would come to kill you," and also threatened Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee and all Democrats in Washington, as well as members of the LGBT+ community.
The accused remains in custody awaiting a bond hearing scheduled for September 13th. The security of Judge Abigail Jo Shry has been heightened in response to these threats.
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