[VIDEO] Coach dies at boxing event in Tijuana
Publicado: 16-09-2023 10:19:38 PDT
Actualizado: 16-09-2023 10:24:00 PDT
The coach was in Sabrina Pérez's corner.
The coach of professional boxer Sabrina Pérez, Argentinean Diego Arua, passed away this afternoon after suffering a heart attack during the event that took place this Friday at the Tijuana Municipal Auditorium.
"With deep sorrow, we have been informed of the sudden passing of Argentinean coach Diego Arua, who suffered a fatal heart attack during Sabrina Pérez's fight in Tijuana. Medical services did everything they could, but he passed away at the General Hospital. Rest in peace," stated the President of the World Boxing Council (WBC).
In the ninth round of the fight between Sabrina Maribel Pérez and Skye Nicolson, the coach collapsed and was attended to by the doctor from the Honorable Commission of Boxing, Wrestling, and Mixed Martial Arts in Tijuana, Benjamin Sandoval.
The coach was transported by ambulance to the General Hospital of Tijuana, where he passed away one hour later.
Rest in peace (R.I.P.)
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