Narcomantas hung in Tecate; cartel clash over responsibility for activist's murder

Publicado: 19-02-2024 12:43:32 PDT
Actualizado: 19-02-2024 12:44:07 PDT
Following the murder of activist Angelita Meraz León, a mother searching for her disappeared child, different criminal groups have accused each other of perpetrating the murder.
On February 10th, a narcomanta was found at kilometer 125 of the Tecate-Mexicali highway, on the entrance bridge to the La Sierrita neighborhood, in the municipality of Tecate, signed by "El Sonrix" and "El Paquillo or 41 operative," both members of the Arellano Félix Cartel (CAF). They accused the Sinaloa Cartel with messages of "killing innocent people" and the death of activist Angelita Meraz, a mother searching for her disappeared child, who was murdered on Thursday, February 8th, in her own beauty salon.
"Darn Chinolas, cowards, they throw the stone and hide their hand, they have attacked innocent people by killing the young American in Mil trying to execute a couple for having a vehicle similar to the one we use to pay Pinocchio and now killing the activist who was threatened by people from Solomon, as she was finding all the people who disappear, scum, anyone who supports these idiots killing innocent people is going to screw their mother, Att: Sonrix and El Paquillo or 41 operative," indicated the first message placed a few days ago.
However, this Saturday, February 17th, Tecate woke up again with narcomessages on Av. Nuevo León, Loma Alta neighborhood, University Boulevard, Lázaro Cárdenas bridge, kiosk of Miguel Hidalgo park, near the municipal presidency; so far, no authority has confirmed the exact number of narcomantas placed, however, several motorists and citizens noticed this event very early in the morning, which has led to the images being shared on social networks.
The messages placed during the morning of this Saturday presume a response from the Sinaloa Cartel (CDS) to the Arellano Felix Cartel (CAF), where they hold them responsible for the death of Angelita Méraz León, stating that "Tecate is a very small town and they will not be able to cover the sun with one finger," the message indicates.
"James Biran Corona alias El Apache and Gil García alias El Kado, stop killing innocent people in Tecate out of fear of Jesus Alfredo Martinez Delgadillo alias El Sonrics who is the one bringing about the massacre of innocent people to keep them happy and post it on their narcopages on Facebook named: La raza de la tia, la raza de la tia respaldo and Tecate sin lacras, where they portray the innocent as bad, but they don't have the balls to put that you murdered activist Angelica León," the messages signed by "Operativa CDS 2024" state.
Who was Angelita Meraz León?
Ángela Meraz León was the president of the Unión y Fuerza por Nuestros Desaparecidos collective and had been searching for her brother Juan José Meraz since 2018, when the organization was founded.
The activist had received threats months before her murder, perpetrated on Thursday, February 8th, by a subject who entered her private business, a beauty salon in broad daylight, and shot Angelita several times before fleeing within minutes in a black Audi vehicle with California plates, which was found abandoned and burned a kilometer away.
Following this event, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador stated that the murder was not related to the work she was engaged in, and also claimed that a person allegedly involved had been located; however, collectives and civil associations of the same kind denounced the comments made by the president, demanding that the facts be clarified.

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