Gasoline prices increase in San Diego, CA.
Publicado: 04-03-2024 13:41:02 PDT
Nationwide, the average price increased six tenths of a cent
The average price of a gallon of self-service regular gasoline in San Diego County experienced an increase on Monday, rising by three tenths of a cent to reach $4.898.
Compared to last week, the current price is 9.7 cents higher, and 20.3 cents higher than a month ago, although 2.6 cents lower than the same period last year.
Since its historical peak of $6.435 on October 5, 2022, the average price has decreased by $1.537.
National Trend
Nationwide, the average price increased six tenths of a cent to reach $3.352, marking the eighth consecutive increase after eight decreases in nine days, totaling 2.2 cents. Over the last eight days, it has risen by 9 cents, including eight tenths of a cent on Sunday.
Compared to the previous week, the national average price is 8.8 cents higher, 20.5 cents higher than a month ago, but 4.7 cents lower than the same period last year.
Since its record of $5.016 on June 14, 2022, there has been significant fluctuation in the national fuel price.
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