[VIDEO] Tesla connected to light pole catches fire, spreads to house
Publicado: 05-08-2024 12:05:40 PDT
Actualizado: 05-08-2024 13:14:51 PDT
The incident occurred in the Lázaro Cárdenas neighborhood
This morning, a Tesla car that was connected to a light pole and a house caught fire in the Lázaro Cárdenas neighborhood.
Arturo Sánchez, the fire department supervisor who responded to the report, stated: "It's unusual for us to encounter a Tesla vehicle fire for the first time."
Sánchez explained that Tijuana firefighters have been trained on electric vehicles, as they take longer to extinguish when on fire, as seen today in Tijuana. "These vehicles present a significant challenge for firefighters, especially due to the risk and the large amount of water required to extinguish such a vehicle, and in this case, the Tesla was directly connected to the electrical current," he added.
The firefighter noted that they performed a "chicanada" to disconnect the car from the power source to charge it.
The fire occurred minutes after 9:00 a.m. this Monday in the Lázaro Cárdenas neighborhood, between Emiliano Zapata and Lázaro Cárdenas streets. The house was unoccupied, and no injuries were reported.
The report was handled by Tijuana Firefighters and the Red Cross.
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