[VIDEO] Car Falls into a 25-Meter-Deep Ravine: Tijuana

Publicado: 12-08-2024 10:49:44 PDT
Actualizado: 12-08-2024 10:55:59 PDT
Residents in the area, alerted by the accident, quickly rushed to the scene to offer their help
In the early hours of Monday, a car accident occurred in Tijuana when a vehicle plunged approximately 25 meters from Lázaro Cárdenas Boulevard on the road up to Otay. The incident took place around 1:00 a.m., when the driver, a man in his 30s, lost control of his vehicle, a black Acura with California license plates.
The driver was heading towards the Otay border crossing when, allegedly due to water on the road, his car skidded and veered off the path. The vehicle overturned and ended up on Valles de México Avenue in the Arenales neighborhood.
Despite the fall, the driver was unharmed. However, paramedics from the Red Cross arrived at the scene to provide assistance and assess his health condition.
Residents in the area, alerted by the accident, quickly rushed to the scene to offer their help. Some neighbors even took it upon themselves to search for the young driver's belongings on the hillside where the car landed.
Municipal Police officers also responded to the scene to handle the emergency and conduct investigations into the cause of the accident.

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