Husband of murdered nurse arrested as alleged mastermind behind the crime

Photo: BajaNews
Publicado: 27-08-2024 17:06:38 PDT
Actualizado: 27-08-2024 17:12:59 PDT
Rafael Orozco Vargas, Central Prosecutor of the FGE, stated that Manuel "N" will be brought before a judge this Tuesday
Nearly three months after the femicide of Gabriela Gutiérrez, a nurse and mother of two young children, who was murdered on July 12 in an armed attack outside her home, the State Attorney General's Office (FGE) has announced the arrest of Manuel “N,” the victim's husband and the alleged mastermind behind the crime.
Rafael Orozco Vargas, Central Prosecutor of the FGE, stated that Manuel “N” will be presented before a judge this Tuesday for his formal indictment as the intellectual author of the femicide. Orozco Vargas noted that the primary line of investigation points to potential personal differences that Manuel “N” had with the victim.
The prosecutor also explained that the motive for the femicide might be related to jealousy or disagreements, as although they were still married, they no longer maintained a romantic relationship. According to the investigation, Gabriela Gutiérrez had begun a new relationship, which could have led to conflicts with the alleged perpetrator.
"The most likely motive is personal in nature. We have explored various hypotheses, but we know that although he was still her husband, the romantic relationship had ended, and she was involved in another relationship, which could have caused conflicts with him," Orozco Vargas added.
Manuel “N” was arrested after certain inconsistencies were identified in his statements and behavior, as well as information provided by family members. The Central Prosecutor explained that Manuel “N”'s insistence on demanding justice for Gabriela may have been a way to divert attention and evade responsibility for the crime.
Currently, it is expected that Manuel “N” will be formally indicted, which could result in a sentence of up to 60 years in prison for the crime of femicide. The final sentence will be known when the judge issues a ruling, at which time more details about this case will be revealed.

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