Clandestine grave with 5 bodies found: Tijuana

Photo Border Zoom/Baja News
Publicado: 16-10-2024 19:24:54 PDT
Actualizado: 16-10-2024 19:28:13 PDT
The events took place in the Lomas Taurinas neighborhood
During a search conducted this Wednesday, October 16, in the Lomas Taurinas neighborhood, the Todos Somos Erick Carrillo Foundation reported a positive discovery.
Five bodies, wrapped in blankets and bound hand and foot, were found during the brigade’s search. The bodies appear to have been buried for approximately 4 to 8 months.
Eddy Carrillo, founder of Todos Somos Erick Carrillo, stated that it is becoming increasingly common to find bodies in the area, noting that just a month ago, a discovery of 4 to 5 bodies was made near the same location.
You can also read this article in Spanish: Encuentran fosa clandestina con 5 cuerpos : Tijuana
The activist confirmed that they will continue working in the area over the coming days.

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