The wave of violence continues in Culiacán

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Publicado: 29-11-2024 11:17:01 PDT
Actualizado: 29-11-2024 11:24:18 PDT
The events have caused panic among the residents
A violent morning unfolded on Thursday in Culiacán, Sinaloa, with multiple incidents alarming residents, according to N+. Among them were gunfire attacks on two Sushi Ranch Roll restaurants, an attempted arson with an explosive device, and fires targeting vehicles and hospitals.
Although no injuries or fatalities were reported, the events caused widespread panic, prompting universities in the area to once again suspend in-person classes and revert to remote learning as a precautionary measure, reported El Universal.
Later that day, authorities confirmed the discovery of the lifeless body of Francisco Javier “N,” a commander of the State Preventive Police.
You might also be interested in its Spanish version: La ola de violencia continúa en Culiacán
The body was found in the Villa Bonita neighborhood, showing signs of gunshot wounds, bound feet, and blindfolded eyes. The incident was linked to a kidnapping that occurred on Tuesday, according to Debate.

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