[SENSITIVE VIDEO] Customer brutally beats underage Subway employee
Foto: Web
Publicado: 01-08-2023 10:41:36 PDT
Actualizado: 01-08-2023 10:43:01 PDT
The alleged aggressor has been identified as an expert in mixed martial arts
In a Subway restaurant in San Luis Potosí, Mexico, a young employee was the victim of a brutal beating by a customer. The incident was captured on security cameras and shows the aggressor barging into the kitchen to punch the employee in the face.
The assault continued for almost a minute while a coworker pleaded for it to stop. It was reported that the motive for the attack was that the employee asked the aggressor to respect the queue of customers.
As a result of the aggression, the young employee suffered a fractured nose and brain swelling, which left him hospitalized. The alleged aggressor has been identified as an expert in mixed martial arts and is believed to have fled in a Hummer vehicle.
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