Manager of famous table dance Hong Kong executed in Tijuana

Publicado: 04-08-2023 11:01:00 PDT
Actualizado: 04-08-2023 14:37:21 PDT
The famous nudist bar is once again in the sights of criminals. In 2022, a waiter manager was murdered in a similar fashion, and the owners have also been targeted.
The man who was killed inside his van on Thursday afternoon on the Rosas Magallón bypass has been identified as Andrey Jiménez, the manager of Tijuana's Hong Kong nudist bar. He was shot multiple times in the face and was transported by an ambulance to the Red Cross hospital while still alive, but he later passed away.
The 40-year-old victim was attacked in a similar modus operandi to Agustín Méndez, a waiter supervisor at the Hong Kong "table-dance," on March 21, 2022. On that occasion, the victim was driving on the Vía Rápida Oriente when a motorcyclist pulled up next to him and shot him several times.
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In addition to this violent incident, the world-famous nudist bar made headlines on Tuesday, July 11. Two men were killed outside the residence of the Brizuela family, who are partners and owners of the Hong Kong, following a confrontation between bodyguards and alleged assailants, resulting in one victim on each side.
A week before that, a Brizuela family associate named Escobedo reported that National Guard members entered his home, robbed him, and assaulted him in front of his family, allegedly stealing a significant sum of dollars, technological items, and other belongings.
So far, the Prosecutor's Office has not reported any progress on the investigations into any of these cases.

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