[Video - Graphic Content] Man in Tijuana caught removing necrotic skin from his skull
Publicado: 05-09-2023 13:46:20 PDT
Actualizado: 11-01-2024 14:22:47 PDT
Last year, a video went viral on social media in which a man roamed the streets of the downtown area of the city with part of his skull exposed.
In 2022, a shocking video began circulating on social media, showing a homeless man in the downtown area of Tijuana, who was self-harming by tearing off a portion of his skin with a knife in hand. The images moved the community and caught the attention of Marck Rivera, a member of the "Tactical Nurses of El Bordo" association.
Upon learning of the situation, Rivera decided to intervene immediately. After coordinating efforts with other volunteers, they managed to transport the man to Mexicali, in the state of Baja California, in search of the medical attention he needed.
In an interview with the 'Border News Agency,' Marck Rivera revealed that the man, identified as Isaú, had received medical care in Tijuana, but due to a lack of capacity to perform necessary plastic surgery, his family decided to take him to Mexicali for medical and psychological assistance.
Rivera explained that Isaú's condition had deteriorated due to his mental condition and drug use, leading him to self-harm and mutilate parts of his own face. Prior to the viral incident, Isaú had been receiving assistance from members of the Tactical Nurses of El Bordo, who had been tending to his other injuries and needs.
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Isaú's family also became involved in his recovery, committing to admit him to a rehabilitation center in the state capital to provide him with the necessary medical and psychological support. Isaú's story serves as a reminder of the importance of solidarity and community support, especially for those most in need in our society.
After being taken to the city of Mexicali, no further information has been available about the man or his health status.
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