A dog suffered a fentanyl overdose
Publicado: 11-09-2023 11:00:10 PDT
A pet-owning couple could be charged with drug possession and animal cruelty
A puppy apparently suffered an overdose, seemingly from ingesting fentanyl residue from its owners in California, USA, and had to receive an antidote.
The Police Department says that the dog's owners, a man and a woman, have been arrested and could face charges of drug possession and animal cruelty.
According to police spokesperson Kyle Oldoerp, the incident occurred after a "confrontation" between the couple and the police outside Walmart. Authorities arrested both after finding fentanyl in the car.
The pet was taken to the police station, where officers administered naloxone, and it recovered "quickly."
Authorities will hold the dog until there is a hearing to determine whether to return it to the couple or not.
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