Man arrested for murder and rape of 5-year-old girl in Kansas
Publicado: 03-10-2023 12:45:51 PDT
The perpetrator was a 25-year-old homeless man
In the state of Kansas, a homeless man was arrested in connection with the murder and rape of a 5-year-old girl, local authorities reported.
Around 7:00 PM this Monday, the police received an emergency call from a gas station in Topeka, where the fire department was attempting to revive a girl named Zoey Felix; she had to be transported to the hospital but passed away. That's what authorities have disclosed.
Timothy Phelps, deputy director of the Shawnee County Correctional Department, mentioned that on Tuesday morning, detectives booked a 25-year-old man into jail as a suspected suspect in the rape and murder case. He has not been assigned an attorney at this time, and his bail has been set at two million dollars.
Police spokesperson Rosie Nichols avoided providing details on how the incident occurred and the cause of the child's death. The young man has not been charged at this time. Furthermore, the press release stated that the child was acquainted with the individual.
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