[SENSITIVE CONTENT] Police killed a man who abducted his son
IFOTO: Screenshot from the video
Publicado: 13-12-2023 15:35:13 PDT
The murder took place in Brazil
A recent video on X has quickly gone viral due to a shocking scenario. According to the account of Eduardo Menoni, a journalist who released the video, a man refused to accept his wife's divorce and kidnapped his own son, taking him hostage.
Police officers in Parana, Brazil, entered the man's house. Upon seeing the officers, the man grabbed a knife he had at hand in his room and threatened to slit his son's throat. In response, one of the officers shot the man in the head, causing his death in front of his son.
🚨| URGENTE: Hombre que no aceptó el divorcio, secuestra a su propio hijo y lo toma como rehén en Paraná, Brasil.
— Eduardo Menoni (@eduardomenoni) December 13, 2023
Cuando los agentes entraron en la casa, el padre amenazó con cortarle el cuello a su hijo, un agente disparó y mató al delincuente. ¿Apoyas este accionar policial? pic.twitter.com/2ok2aTTtiu
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