Leader of the Northeast Cartel Identified as Owner of Head Found at Elementary School: Zacatecas

Foto: Web
Publicado: 21-05-2024 12:08:07 PDT
Actualizado: 21-05-2024 12:20:03 PDT
FGJE revealed that Sergio "N" was part of a group of inmates who escaped in May 2020
The Zacatecas State Attorney General's Office (FGJE) has confirmed that the remains found over the past weekend belong to Sergio "N", alias "Commander Panther," alleged leader of the Northeast Cartel (CDN) in the region.
The discovery began with a human head abandoned in front of an elementary school last Friday in the state capital, followed by the finding of more remains in plastic bags. After thorough investigations, the FGJE determined that all the remains belonged to the same individual, identified as Sergio "N."
🚨 Fue localizada una bolsa con restos humanos afuera de una primaria, en la calle Julio Ruelas de la colonia Tres Cruces en la capital. Autoridades se encuentran en el lugar. pic.twitter.com/MiePnAPzcU
— TV Azteca Zacatecas (@TVAztecaZac) May 17, 2024
Cristian Paul Camacho Osnaya, head of the FGJE, revealed that Sergio "N" was part of a group of inmates who escaped in May 2020 from the Cieneguillas Regional Social Reintegration Center. Additionally, he had a criminal record for express kidnapping and federal offenses such as illegal possession of firearms.
Although he resided in Aguascalientes, Sergio "N" was identified as the leader of a CDN cell in Zacatecas. His body was found near a roadway. After the discovery of all the remains, the body was handed over to his family, who had previously reported his disappearance. Allegedly, this search alert was intended to simulate a forced disappearance.

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