[SENSITIVE CONTENT] Video of alleged cannibals in Haiti sparks alarm
Publicado: 14-03-2024 14:01:46 PDT
The footage reveals these individuals around a bonfire, with parts of a body whose identification remains unknown
A disturbing recording is causing a stir both in Haiti and worldwide through social media networks. In the video, a group of individuals, allegedly members of an armed gang, is shown manipulating and consuming what appears to be human flesh in the middle of the street in the capital, Port-au-Prince.
The footage reveals these individuals around a bonfire, with parts of a body whose identification remains unknown. It is believed that the victim, also unidentified, was murdered by the gang amid the extreme violence and social crisis gripping the Caribbean country.
Haití está ahora mismo dominado por pandillas y bandas de narcos junto, se dice, a grupos de caníbales.
— Capitán General de los Tercios (@capTercio) March 11, 2024
Yo no sé si este video es real pero si lo es ME CAGO EN LA PVTAhttps://t.co/gySEI529JZ
Although the authenticity of the video has been questioned by some, experts in image analysis have confirmed that the scenes were captured in a real location in Port-au-Prince. It is important to note that the original video dates back to July 2021 but has resurfaced recently after being reposted by the president of El Salvador. However, the original post has already been deleted.
Tengo un amigo al que le encantan las playas de Haití dónde un loquito caníbal cometió un golpe de estado. Unos huevos... pic.twitter.com/rxEmXjFQnJ
— Renacido (@marcelocc16) March 11, 2024
Despite the shock it has generated on social media, Haitian authorities have not yet confirmed or denied the veracity of the video content. In response to this situation, a thorough investigation is being demanded to clarify the facts and bring the perpetrators to justice.
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