[VIDEOS] Tesla captures ghosts in a cemetery

Photos web
Publicado: 17-10-2024 13:14:31 PDT
Actualizado: 17-10-2024 13:18:14 PDT
Videos from users go viral after taking their Tesla to a cemetery
A video shared by TikTok user @iam3edgar has gone viral after showing how his Tesla Model 3 detected an invisible figure in a cemetery. While visiting the graveyard, the Autopilot sensors indicated the presence of a person near the vehicle, despite no one being around.
The video quickly went viral, garnering over 10 million views and sparking a debate between those who believe it to be a paranormal phenomenon and others who attribute it to a glitch in Tesla’s software.
This is not the only instance of such occurrences. Other users have reported similar "apparitions," suggesting it may be an error in the vehicle’s sensors. While some enjoy the idea of their car having a "sixth sense," experts recommend keeping the software updated to avoid potential risks on the road.
You may also be interested in the Spanish version: [VIDEOS] Tesla capta fantasmas en un cementerio

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